lunedì 24 gennaio 2022


on Novel Psychoactive Substances (NPS) 


february | 22nd - 23rd - 24th | 2022

Novel Psychoactive Substances (NPS) are a broad variety of drugs not regulated by present legislation. The advent of NPS has contributed to the appearance and growth of a new ‘drug scenario’ characterized by an increased number of drug users among youth and the consumption of drugs with unknown effects or safety profiles. Preclinical and clinical findings have shown that at lower doses NPS may produce effects comparable to those of illicit psychoactive drugs, such as Cannabis, heroin, cocaine and MDMA, however, with more severe consequences.
    The first wave of NPS came to Europe in the early 2000s in the form of synthetic cannabinoids followed by synthetic cathinones and phenethylamines. From 2016, a rise in the availability of novel synthetic opioids (NSO) was registered in Europe. NSO are the most dangerous NPS since they mimic morphine and heroin and are many times more potent than these opioids in producing acute toxicity. Based on their increasing prevalence, it has been estimated that their use is likely to become the primary source of NPS-associated deaths in Europe.
    This International Course intends to update undergraduate and PhD students, but also health care professionals in order to promote the professional developments of physicians, nurses, social workers and clinical psychologists - providing a unique opportunity to gain expertise in the field of NPS and NSO by an up-to-date overview of pharmacology, structure–activity relationships, and toxicology of NPS and NSO, and the detrimental effects associated with their intake and to prevent health damage. The course is funded by the Fondazione di Sardegna and organized by Prof. Maria Antonietta De Luca of the Department of Biomedical Sciences (DiSB-UniCa).

lunedì 18 settembre 2017

Save the date!!

Vi ricordiamo che dal 10 al 13 Ottobre si svolgerà la prima International Scientific School sulle Nuove Sostanza Psicoattive in Sardegna!!

Per ulteriori informazioni, visitate il sito dedicato

Ecco la locandina aggiornata dell'evento:

Per scaricare la locandina:

mercoledì 9 agosto 2017

Novel Psychoactive Substances (NPS): new frontiers in addiction?

Ad ottobre si svolgerà a Pula, presso la sede del Parco Tecnologico Polaris, la prima International Scientific School sulle Nuove Sostanze Psicoattive, pensata e organizzata da Maria Antonietta De Luca, Ricercatrice del Dipartimento di Scienze Biomediche dell'Università degli Studi di Cagliari.

Sarà un evento formativo rivolto a studenti, studenti di dottorato e assegnisti di ricerca che lavorano o si stanno approcciando allo studio delle NPS.
In più il programma prevede dei seminari per gli studenti delle Scuole Superiori, allo scopo di chiarire gli effetti di queste sostanze e divulgare i rischi associati al loro consumo, e dei seminari rivolti a figure professionali il cui aggiornamento risulta necessario per far fronte ai danni causati dall'uso di queste sostanze.

Professori di fama internazionale  ma anche componenti del RIS (Carabinieri) di Roma, sono stati invitati a fare delle lezioni frontali con gli studenti.

Per ulteriori informazioni visitate il sito

o consultate la locandina dell'evento scaricandola dal link